Exercises of Excel

by Muji Yamianto


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Currently, there are many books, e-books or applications that discuss various uses of Excel formulas. Good for beginners, intermediate, to advanced. Almost everything is still theoretical. To improve our ability to use Ms. Excel, we need to practice a lot. For this reason, the author has compiled a "COLLECTION OF EXCEL QUESTIONS" as a practice tool for those of you who want to improve your ability to use various kinds of Excel formulas.We made these Excel practice questions based on articles and video tutorials on my blog:https://www.mujiyamianto.blogspot.comAs your reference source in working on practice questions. Currently there are 212 EXCEL QUESTIONS COLLECTIONS: Everything is in the form of practice questions (entering formulas in the table columns) NO theory/multiple choice questionsThe 212 Excel practice numbers consist of:I. Based on material/articles on the 2018 Blog:1. Functions: IF, LEFT, MID, RIGHT, AND, OR (31 numbers)2. Functions: HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH (27 numbers)3. Function: COUNT, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUM, SUMIF, SUMIFS (11 numbers)4. Function: DATE, DAY, MONTH, YEAR (11 numbers)5. Financial or Financial Functions: RATE, NPer, Per, PMT, PV, FV, IPMT, PPMT (23 numbers)6. Depreciation Function: SLN, SYD, DB, DDB, VDB (14 numbers)7. PIVOT TABLES and GRAPHICS (3 numbers)II. Based on material/articles on the 2019 Blog:1. Financial or Financial function: CUMIPMT, CUMPRINC (4 numbers)2. Financial or Financial Function: FVSCHEDULE (3 numbers)3. Function: ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN (2 numbers)4. Function: PRODUCT and SUMPRODUCT (4 numbers)III. Based on material/articles on the 2020 blog:1. CHOOSE function (4 numbers)2. Combine IF with H/VLOOKUP ( 6 numbers)3. Function: ISPMT (3 numbers)4. Text Functions (4 numbers)5. Financial Mathematics: FIXED INTEREST RATES, FLOATING INTEREST RATES, SINGLE INTEREST AND COMPOUND INTEREST (16 numbers)IV. Based on material/articles on the 2021 blog:1. Functions: DATEDIF, DAY, DAYS, DAYS360, EDATE, and EOMONTH (4 numbers)2. Functions: AMORLINC and AMORDEGRC (4 numbers)3. Function: WORKDAY and NETWORKDAYS (4 numbers)4. Functions: AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, and AVERAGEA (5 numbers)5. DISADVANTAGES OF THE VLOOKUP FORMULA (4 NUMBERS)V. Based on material/articles on the blog in 2022 & 2023:1. IFERROR function (2 NUMBERS)2. MAKE A DIAGONAL LINE ON THE TABLE (4 NUMBERS)3. SMALL & LARGE function (4 NUMBERS)4. WEEKDAY & WEEKNUM function (3 NUMBERS)5. CONVERT function (2 NUMBERS)6. XLOOKUP function (10 NUMBERS) Total: 212 numbers